Heard on NatRad this morning while ironing a shirt: salps, which are little balls of jelly floating in the sea, are breathing in CO2 and pooing it out. And the poos are so heavy they sink into the abyssal depths, taking the CO2 out of our atmosphere for decades or even longer.
The NatRad reporter used words like fecal pellets and carbon sequestration, but that's what he meant.
Good on ya, little jelly balls.
In other news, I've been busy sponsoring Fronde's Mo Bros. You should too:
I went to the Sculpture on the Shore exhibition at the weekend with my mate Royden. I particularly liked this giant plane-crash. Royden particularly liked that it's a Zero, as all small Kiwi boys fantasised about attacking with their Spitfires and Mustangs. Apart from possibly the worst-designed catalogue in the known universe, the event was very well managed and over-staffed with friendly volunteers.
The whole thing was in aid of Women's Refuge, a worthy charity if you have a few dollars spare. Wouldn't it be nice if such refuges weren't necessary.
"Green" is in the 21st century what "thin" was in the 20th. It is paraded by the wealthiest, strived for by the middle class and the natural state of the poorest. It has transcended pragmatism or health and become synonymous with morality. Well, who am I to argue? Let's see if I can be green without compromising my urban-girl lifestyle...